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This weeks topic. . . .Evolution v Creation. . . .This weeks topic. . . .Evolution v Creation. . . .
Here are my thoughts on Evolution v Creation!

The bible tells us that god created the world 6-8000 years ago, and that he created the earth first and then the sun and stars, and that he created man on the 6th day.
However Science tells us that the universe is 13.7 billion years old +/- 200 million. And that the universe was created by a pinpoint of matter so dense it weighed more than a million stars, but was the smallest object to ever exist, and that this point in nothingness started to spin at incredible speed and eventually exploded, a trillionth of a second later the whole thing inflated and created the universe we see today!

Science also claims man is around 200,000 years old, based on carbon dated bones discovered in Africa!

Both these theories are full of holes, some of them too great to ignore.

Lets start with creation: The bible tells us the universe is only 6-8000 years old but this just is not possible based on what the bible tells us.

You see the bible claims the stars were made after the Earth, and this is its biggest downfall! The speed of light is 186,000 miles (300,000 kilometers) per second, this is an indisputable fact, if the stars were only 6-8000 years old we would not be able to see them as the light would not have had time to reach earth, so only stars within 6-8000 light years away would be visible, and this is not the case!

We know how far stars are away from us because of the type of light we get from them. As light travels it slowly becomes stretched, narrowing the bandwidth, till eventually it becomes radio waves, which are in fact light waves, and by measuring the frequency of the light waves we can determine the amount of time the light took to get to our planet.

As for the age of man, again the bible does not hold up to scrutiny. You see we dont have to go back as far as Adam and Eve because the Bible claims that every person on earth apart from Noah and his family were killed in the great flood, which happened around 4-5000 years ago.

If this was the case there would only be around 50-100,000 people on earth, all of the same nationality and genetic line, with severe mutations due to in breeding! Instead there are over 6 billion people on Earth, of different creeds and colours, with such vast differences between each other they could almost be seen as different species! ( Compare the skeleton of a Fijian to a Pigmi, they are as different as an orang-utan to a chimpanzee.)

Evolution is just as flawed! Firstly lets look at the big bang: Science claims the universe was created by a big bang, and that before this big bang there was nothingness, no matter, no light, no gravity, no antimatter, no energy, nothing!
So what went bang? Where did the matter that was so dense and finite it exploded to create the universe come from? What made this finite point spin? There was no energy to create the friction to cause it to spin! What held it together? There was no gravity! What made it expand expedentially?

Expansion is an important part of the theory, without it the theory does not work!

Let me explain: When matter explodes it releases immense heat as the energy is released, but this heat is not uniformed, it can vary by 100's even 1000,s 0f degrees, so therefore the temperature through-out the universe should vary, it doesnt.
The temperature in outer space is around -270c (3K) and this only varies where large amounts of space particles exist i.e. solar systems/galaxies, gas clouds, due to the heat given off by this matter colliding. The only way the heat would be uniformed is if after the explosion, the universe inflated rapidly (a few milli-seconds is apparently all it took), however science cannot tell us what caused this inflation, which makes it seem like a theory invented simply because without it the big bang theory does not hold up!

Evolution of species theory however does hold up to scrutiny, although there are still unanswered questions about human evolution.

Species evolve through natural selection , this is clear, just look at the many different species of dogs, pigeons, goldfish etc, which were all created by man through simple genetic selection. But why did man evolve such intelligence, and if science is to be believed, wait 150-195,000 years to form civilisations?

Science asks us to believe that homo-sapiens have walked the earth for 150-200,000 years but we find no evidence of civilisation till around 6 thousand years ago (which Christianity claims proves how long man has been here). Why would a species suddenly change its behaviour, and go from being quite solitary (lived in very small groups) and nomadic, to living in large communities, building cities, and studying the stars ( Sumerian star charts have been found which date back to around 4000B.C.

So as you can see both theories are questionable, and I believe it will be a long time before those questions are answered, and till they are im sure both sides will fight there corners admirably, although i tend to think science, not religion, will be right in the end!

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